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作者:经济系 发布时间:2013-10-09 00:00:00 浏览次数: 【字体:
1         发布时间:2013-10-16
2         工作地点:上海 北京 广州 深圳 武汉 南京 天津 成都 其它
3         职位类型:全职
4         来源:中国人民财产保险
公 司 简 介
  中国人民财产保险股份有限公司(PICC P&C,简称"中国人保财险",下同)是经国务院同意、中国保监会批准,于2003年7月由中国人民保险集团公司发起设立的、目前中国内地最大的财产保险公司,注册资本122.5598亿元。其前身是1949年10月20日经中国人民银行报政务院财经委员会批准成立的中国人民保险公司。



    在六十多年的卓越历程里,中国人保财险积极投身于"保障人民高品质生活"的崇高事业,以"做人民满意的保险公司"为共同愿景,秉承"风雨同行、至爱至诚" 的核心价值观,坚持以市场为导向、以客户为中心,积极履行优秀企业公民责任,为经济发展、社会稳定、国家强盛、人民幸福提供了强大的保险保障。同时,在服务经济社会发展全局和广大客户的实践中,创造和积累了市场领先的企业核心竞争优势。


    品牌优势:PICC 品牌与共和国同生共长,在国内外享有广泛影响和显著声誉。中国人保财险先后被《欧洲货币》杂志评为"最青睐的保险公司",在行业首获"中国客户关怀标杆企业"称号,公司95518客户服务中心连续多年被评为"中国最佳呼叫中心",公司奥运营销获得中国广告协会最高荣誉"中国艾菲奖金奖",在2008 年、2009年、2010年的亚洲保险业竞争力排名中,公司竞争力连续排名第一,并荣获"亚洲最具竞争力非寿险公司"、"亚洲最佳非寿险公司"等奖项,2011年,公司被新华社评为"转型?中国经济十大领军企业",荣获"卓越竞争力品牌建设保险公司"、"年度最佳财险公司"等系列殊荣,2012年,公司被评为"最受信赖保险公司",荣获"第一财经金融价值榜年度保险公司"、"2012最具责任感企业"等奖项,同时入选恒生神州50指数和2012 年度「港股100强」"综合实力100强",并连续5年保持国际著名咨询企业穆迪公司对中国金融企业的最高信用评级A1级。



    机构网络和服务优势:拥有遍布全国城乡超过1.3万个机构网点,形成了强大的销售和服务网络,为公司拓展服务领域、创新服务手段、提升服务水平提供着强大支持。截至2012年底,中国人保财险已在全国农村地区各乡镇新建或整合三农保险营销服务部5792个,三农保险服务站2.05万个,部站网点覆盖全国近 82%的乡镇;建立村级三农保险服务点超过25万个,从事农业保险基层服务的人员近31万人。截至目前,公司已新建完成156家新型社区门店,覆盖13个省、23个城市



PICC Property and Casualty Company Ltd. (PICC P & C), as the largest property insurance company in the Chinese mainland, was established by the People‘‘s Insurance Company (Group) of China Limited (previously known as "PICC Holding Company", hereinafter referred to as "PICC Group") in July 2003 under the validation of the State Council and approval of the China Insurance Regulatory Commission (CIRC), with a registered capital of RMB 12.25598 billion. It was once the People‘‘s Insurance Company of China, which was founded by the People‘‘s Bank of China under the approval of the Committee of Finance and Economy of the Central Government on October 20, 1949.
PICC P & C is a flagship subsidiary of the PICC Group, a Fortune 500 company. On November 6, 2003, the Company successfully launched its IPO in Hong Kong, becoming the first large Chinese state-owned financial enterprise to go public overseas. Supported by its comprehensive strength, PICC P & C standed as the official insurance partner of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games and Shanghai 2010 World Expo, providing all-around insurance service for the two great events. In 2008, its premium income exceeded RMB 100 billion, which was the first property insurance company to achieve so in the country and placed it among the top 10 property insurance companies in the world. In 2012, the Company collected more than RMB 190 billion of premium. It has a steady ranking of No. 1 in Asia, and the 2nd place among the single-branded property insurance companies in the world.
PICC P&C provides professional auto insurance service for nearly 50 million customers. In 2012, the premium income of its motor insurance was over RMB 140 billion, with a stable and largest market share. Some of its provincial branches, such as Jiangsu, Hebei, Guangdong, Sichuan and Shandong, have also collected more than RMB 10 billion of auto premium in 2012.
During more than 60 years of extraordinary development, PICC P & C has always been devoting itself to the noble cause of "Ensuring the high-quality life of people", taking "To be an insurance company for the people" as its shared vision, maintaining its core value of "Your companion everywhere with sincerity and honesty", pursuing its market-oriented and customer-centered development policy, and actively implementing its social responsibility as an excellent corporate citizen, so as to provide strong insurance protection for the economic development, social stability, prosperity of the country and happy lives of its people. Meanwhile, in its practice of serving the overall economy and social development, and its customers, PICC P & C has created and consolidated its core competitive advantages as a market leader.
Political excellence: Under the right lead of the CPC Committee of CIRC, PICC Group and PICC P&C, the different levels of sub-committees of the whole company take the Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thoughts of "Three Represents" as their guide, the scientific concept of development as the policy, and implement the spirit of the 17th National Congress of the CPC and the 4th Plenary Session of its Central Committee. They adhere to the method of "Party construction focusing on development and for development", and continuously strengthen the ideology, organizational and work style construction of the Party, which provides powerful political support for the reform and development of the Company.
Brand Excellence: PICC brand has been grown together with the People‘‘s Republic of China, and enjoys wide influences and outstanding reputation home and abroad. PICC P & C is awarded "Most Reliable Insurance Company in China" by Euromoney, and is the first in the industry to win the honor of "Customer Care Benchmark Enterprises in China". The "95518" customer service call-center has been consecutively elected as the "Best Call-center in China" for the past several years, and its Olympic marketing campaign has won the gold medal of "Effie Award China", which is the highest honor in Chinese advertising industry. It also won the first place in the Asian Insurance Competitiveness Ranking for 2008, 2009 and 2010, and was awarded "The Most Competitive Non-life Insurance Company in Asia" and "The Best Non-life Insurance Company in Asia". In 2011, the Company was named "Transformation·Ten Leading Enterprises in the Chinese Economy" by the Xinhua News Agency, and won a series of other honors such as "Insurance Company with Excellent Competitiveness in Brand Building" and "The Best Property Insurance Company of the Year". In 2012, it was again awarded "The Most Reliable Insurance Company", "CBN Financial Value Ranking-the Insurance of the Year", and "The Best Corporate Social Citizen 2012". Meanwhile, it was listed in the "Top 100 in Comprehensive Strength" of HSC 50 and the "Top 100 " in Hong Kong Stock Exchange. It has been rated A1 for 5 consecutive years by Moody‘‘s, which is the highest for the non-political financial enterprises in the Chinese mainland.
Talent Excellence: PICC P & C has long been maintaining its talents-centered strategy, namely "guided by experts and winning through competence". The Company attaches great importance to team building and employee training, and has forged a good number of managerial talents with rich experience as well as technical talents covering every aspect of the property insurance business. As a result, a professional team of employees has been established that masters core competence of non-life business. The high caliber advantage forms a solid foundation of talent pool as well as the intellectual support for the Company to develop business and serve its clients.
Product Excellence: PICC P & C enjoys a complete product R & D system, strong R & D capacity, and a full-range of on-shelf products, covering various types of insurance including auto, property, marine & cargo, liability, credit & surety bond, accidents & health, energy & aerospace, and agricultural insurance, many of which are innovative products pioneering in the industry. Especially for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, Shanghai Expo 2010 and Guangzhou Asian Games, PICC P & C developed a series of proprietary insurance products with Chinese characteristics and its own intellectual property rights. At present, the Company provides more than 1400 types of insurance products, and over 5000 kinds of insurance policies. It develops on average one new policy a day, providing all-dimensional and high quality insurance services to our customers.
Network & Service Excellence: PICC P & C has more than 13,000 business offices all over the country, which make a strong network of both sales and service, providing great support for the business exploration, service innovation and improvement of the Company. As of the end of 2012, PICC P&C had newly set up or integrated 5792 sales & service departments and 20,500 service stations for agriculture insurance in rural areas, covering nearly 82% of all the small towns it established more than 250,000 agriculture service office at village level, and has nearly 310,000 local service personnel. Till now, the Company has finished setting up 156 new community stores, covering 23 cities in 13 provinces.
Technology & market excellence: Relying on its own strength and learning from advanced experience, the Company continues to enhance its IT construction. It has developed a series of management systems such as the 3rd-Generation Core Business System, Auto Claim System, Long-distance Loss Assessment System, Business Process Management System, Business Matrix Policy-making System, CRM System, Distribution Management System, Supply Chain Management System, Mobile Survey and Loss Assessment System, Palm PICC, etc.. It also makes good effort to improve the production control center, as well as the application management. By enhancing the data management and application, this precious resource could be made good use of and by continuously promoting the IT construction of the Company, its overall informatization would be improved.
The Company has a stable client base, covering all kinds of industries both home and abroad. With its prospective and international view, as well as its high business standard, the Company has not only built up strategic partnership with local governments, key enterprises, major commercial banks and world-famous insurers such as AIG, but also maintained very good cooperation with top-ranking reinsurers such as Munich Re and Swiss Re, contributing to the steady upgrading of its risk management. At present, the Company maintains reinsurance cooperation with more than 500 insurers and reinsurers from over 50 countries after cautious selection, achieving a win-win result through their complementary advantages. Besides, PICC P&C also carries out global cede-in business, which successfully promotes its brand in the international market and demonstrates its position and reputation.
Looking back on history, with over 60 years‘‘ persistent hard work, generations of PICC staff have been dedicating their youth and passion to the Company, while witnessing the exciting development of the Chinese insurance business from establishment to development, and from the secondary carving out to the realization of a leap-forward development, which has cast the golden brand of PICC. Looking ahead, led by the scientific concept of development and guided by its development strategy in the new era, the Company will follow the principle of "effective in short term and beneficial in long term", adopt the criteria of four "first-class"-first-class risk identification and management ability, first-class service and sales ability, first-class operational management ability, and first-class profitability, and take the path of "specialization, standardization, centralization and differentiation". Driven by the continuous improvement of the organizing ability, the Company will strive to build an customer-centered operation management system that is open, highly efficient, transparent and highly intelligent, so as to build a world-leading property insurance company with advanced strategy and culture, scientific mechanism and top-ranking team, and contribute to the comprehensive construction of a well-off society and the realization of the "Chinese Dream"-the great revive of the Chinese nation!
