科研工作大会系列讲座第25期:Collocation and Categorization
科研工作大会系列讲座第25期:Collocation and Categorization
为了提高科研工作宣传力度,增强科学研究意识,推动我校高质量发展,由广州华立学院科研处主办,外国语学院承办“科研工作大会系列讲座”,本期特邀请暨南大学伯明翰大学联合学院Terry Shortall教授做主题讲座,活动安排如下:
主讲人:暨南大学伯明翰大学联合学院Terry Shortall教授
讲座题目:Collocation and Categorization
时 间:2023年11月16日(周四)下午15:50-17:20
地 点:2-402
Terry Shortall, Director of the English Language Centre at the Jinan University-University of Birmingham Joint Institute in Guangzhou, comes from Ireland and has taught English&Applied Linguistics in England, Portugal, Brazil, Japan and China. He has a PhD in Applied Linguistics from the University of Birmingham. His main research areas are Corpus Linguistics and Cognitive Linguistics.